How To Make A Quilted Pouch With Hexagons

Hello everyone!

I’m so happy to welcome you to my new blog, where I will keep working and sharing my quilted journey with all you.

I will work today on a little pouch, quilted and made with hexagons, it is known hexagons could be one of the favorite patterns to work with for quilters, beautiful quilts had been made with them.

There is a few ways to work with them,

English Paper Piecing.

The most know is the English paper piecing method, where you cut a few hexagons the size you will work with on paper, then you fold each paper with a piece of fabric, you need to work this way all the hexagons you will need for your project, then you work to sew together each on of those hexagons until you finish your project, all by hand.

Pros – each hexagon will be perfect to work with,

Cons – as each hexagon needs to be made by hand, it takes lots of time and work to finish a quilt.

By Hand.

This method, is easy to work, all you need to do is to take two hexagons right side of fabric facing the other, on the back you need to sew by hand with double strand, little running stitches, don’t sew on the seams.

Once you have two hexagons together, you need to open them, and place the third one right side of fabric facing one of the other two, this time you will need to sew two sides of the hexagons, you sew first one side, turn to face the next two sides of hexagons and sew the second side. Open the third hexagon, and sew the next one.

Pros – you can sew hexagons flowers each one at the time, you can sew on your free time, this method is great when you have doctor or dentist appointments and you need to wait for your appointments, easy to carry with you just a few hexagons.

Cons- takes a lot of time to finish a big quilt.

By Machine

You work on your hexagons the same way as by hand, you just sew by machine.

Pros – this method is faster than by hand.

Cons – you only can sew at home.

The best part of these two last methods is you can sew a big project working on your hexagons using both methods.

Working from circles

This is a new method, at least for me, I few weeks ago I saw a video sharing this method and is quite fast to work with and hexagons are perfect shape to work with.

This method is also made by hand. I will make a full tutorial to talk more about it.

There are more ways to work with hexagons and make different quilts with them, each one is unique and you can make great quilts using hexagons.

Today I will share with this tutorial to make a little pouch with hexagons.
You will need:
  • 30 hexagons
  • 9 x 12″ batting fabric
  • 9 x 12 ” cotton fabric for the inside
  • 7 ” zipper
  • 28 ” bias
  • one needle
  • 100 % polyester thread
  • 100 % cotton DMC floss

Quilted pouch tutorial

1. Sew together 6 hexagons making a row

2. Sew 5 hexagons to the first row to make a second row, you will need to work the same way to add every row to the mini quilt.

Quilted pouch tutorial

When you finish to sew all the hexagons, iron the mini quilt gently.

Quilted pouch tutorial

Your mini quilt will look like this after the ironing,

Quilted pouch tutorial

3. For the next step you will need to trim the top and the bottom edges to make them straight, when you work with hexagons edges are not straight

Now you can place your mini quilt on a piece of batting, it should be a little bigger than your mini quilt.

Quilted pouch tutorial

4. Place now your mini quilt and the batting on your cotton fabric for the inside of the pouch, this fabric must face right side down.

Place one safety pin on each corner to hold the three layers together while you do the quilting.

Quilted pouch tutorial

5. Do the quilting, this time I did it just regular hand quilting, I did it using one strand of DMC cotton floss.

Quilted pouch tutorial

6. Once you finish the quilting, you can trim all the edges of your mini quilt, on this photo above I show you how the quilted mini quilt looks on the back side, this will be the pouch inside.

This will be part one of this tutorial, I will share on the second part, how to work to make the pouch following Japanese method.

I thank you for your visit, if you find this tutorial good to make, Pin It so you can find it later.

You can follow me on Facebook and on Pinterest to get la latest of my work.

If you have any question about this tutorial or about my work, leave a comment I will reply to you shortly.

I would love to know about you, if you are a quilter, crafter, artist or a blogger, I will love to visit your blog and read about your work, comments are great to know about each other.

See you soon!
