Notebook Cover Patchwork Tutorial is an easy sewing project for beginners and more experienced sewers that will be used over and over again.
If you love to take notes or if you know someone who loves to take notes about everything, you might want to make a notebook cover that can be used over and over.
You might want to make something unique to give as a present to that person who loves to keep everything noted on a notebook, whether they are recipes, list to do or a gratitude journal, nothing better to make a patchwork cover with the Friendship Star on it!
Notebook Cover Patchwork Tutorial
Materials and Supplies
- 1 Patchwork block of 5 3/4 x 5 3/4 inches
- 2 pieces of cotton fabric of 5 3/4 x 2.5 inches
- 1 piece of cotton fabric of 11 x 1 1/2 inches
- 1 piece of cotton fabric of 11 x 10 inches
- 1 piece of thin batting fabric of 15 x 11 inches
- 1 piece of cotton fabric for the back of the quilting sandwich of 15 x 11 inches
- 2 pieces of cotton fabric for the flaps of 11 x 5 1/2 inches
- 2 pieces of cotton fabric of 7 x 1 1/2 inches
- Needle
- Polyester or cotton thread
- Pins
- Safty pins
- Sewing Machine
- Thimble
- 1 notebook (mine is 9 x 6 inches – 22.9 cm x 15.2 cm)
Note: All the fabric pieces measures here are to make a cover for the notebook I have, please check before you start cutting any piece of fabric if the book or the notebook you are making the cover for is the same size as mine, in case is not, follow the instructions but cut out all the pieces for your book or notebook.
Notebook Cover Patchwork Tutorial – Step by Step
Step 1 – Cut Out All Fabric Pieces

The first thing you need to do is to measure the notebook you will be working with, if your notebook is same size as the one I’ll be working with on the tutorial, just follow the measures to cut out the fabric pieces you will need to make the cover.
If your notebook has a different size, you can follow the tutorial steps, but you will need to cut out all the fabric pieces for your notebook.
The first step is to make the Friendship Star, this is an easy patchwork star to make, you will need to cut out all the pieces:
- 4 squares blue of
- 1 square green of
- 4 triangles blue of
- 4 triangles green of
Sew on one blue triangle to a one green triangle at the time, once you have all 4 pairs sewn, open and press.
Lay on your work table the three lines to make the Frienship Star, and sew each line at the time, then just sew the three lines to make the block. Press.
The next step is to sew the two small borders on top and bottom of the star, open and press.
Sew on the two side borders, open and press.
The notebook cover should look like this.
Step 2 – Make The Quilting Sandwich
Lay on your work table the fabric for the back of the quilting sandwich, lay over it the batting fabric, and then lay over it the notebook cover front piece, right side up, pinch a few safety pins.
With the help of a patchwork ruler and a pencil or a marker for fabrics, mark 1 1/4″ lines for the quilting.
At home, you can decide whether or not to make the hand quilting or by machine.
When the quilting is done, do a basting stitches on top and bottom edges.
The quilted back looks like this.
Step 3 – How To Make The Notebook Cover Flats
Sew on a hem on one side of each flat, press.
Step 4 – Trim The Quilted Piece
Trim the quilted piece and check if the size is correct for the notebook, in case you need to trim more, it’s the right time to do it. Once you have the piece on the right size, you can baste the two sides, (right and left)
Step 5 – Set Up The Piece
On your work table, set up the quilted piece and lay over it the two pieces for the flaps, right side to right side, and lay on top and bottom the two pieces of fabric to cover the opening. Pinch a few pins to hold on their place all the pieces.
Sew on all around the piece. No need to leave a gap to turn it out.
Clip the corners to reduce bulk
Step 6 – Stitch On The Two Fabric Stripes.
Turn to the back of the piece the two pieces of fabric to cover the opening on the top and on the bottom, fold each piece twice up and stitch on by hand.
Turn the piece out, it will be just turning each flap out.
The inside of the book cover will look like this:
The Notebook cover outside will look like this:
Insert the notebook in the patchwork notebook cover.
You can make the notebook cover with a patchwork block or you can use all those small pieces of fabric to make one like the one on the right.
You can also sew a closure and sew on a button on the notebook cover to keep it closed.
Well done, you did a great job and the book cover looks amazing!
Don’t forget to follow me on Social Media and if you make it and share it on your Social Media, you can add the hashtag #patchworkwithalex so I can see it.
Thanks so much for your visit to my blog and your interest to read my tutorials, if you have any question you can leave it on a comment.
Puedes leer el mismo tutorial en espanol en mi blog de Ale Cose y Cose .com – Forrar Un Cuaderno Con Patchwork!
You can read more tutorials to make with Patchwork and Quilting here!
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If you’re looking for an easy sewing tutorial to make a cover for a notebook with no patchwork on it, you can take a look to this tutorial!
You can watch the Tutorial video here: