Hi, as you can see I finally finished the ABC Quilt and it’s ready to be delivered to my grand-daughter!
If you have followed me, you know by now you can make the ABC quilt too, you can find all the information on previous post on how to make the blocks to make the top of the quilt, today I have 5 new FREE Patterns to download.
Making a quilt can take some time from start to finish, I started to work on this quilt about 3 or 4 years ago, soon it became a UFO (unfinished objects) and it stayed in a drawer for almost one year and a half.
Last year I started to work again on this quilt, and I made my personal goal to not to start another big quilt until I finished it!
Well, today I’m happy to share with you this moment, the moment I can place the quilt on the laundry line to take a photo of it all finished.
Note: I must say, you might notice one blank block on the bottom of the quilt, I have something in my mind for that block, but it will be a personal message to my grand-daughter and I’ll be working on it later.
ABC Quilt 5 New FREE Patterns

Today, I’ll keep this post short, but as you could read on the title, I have 5 new Free Patterns for you to download.
If you’re already working to make this quilt, you can download the 5 new patterns and keep working on them to make more blocks for your ABC quilt
As a note, I could say if you don’t like one block, just don’t make it, and if you like one block design more than the rest, you can make more blocks from it.
The ABC quilt can be your personal quilting project and don’t follow my layout if you don’t want to, I made this quilt as a personal quilting project with the idea in my mind to make an easy quilt for anybody to make.
Get the idea from my quilt and make it your own design, more of these blocks and less from the rest!
You can find more FREE Patchwork Quilt patterns to download to make this quilt here!
I’m sure every ABC quilt will look fantastic,
Make the quilting my hand like I did or make it by machine, it will look amazing too!
Follow me on my Social Media where you can take a look to my quilting adventures in Quebec and in Mexico.
You can follow Alejandra’s Quilt Studio Fans page on Facebook to get the updates from my quilting adventures.
Follow me on Instagram and you might discover some small and big quilting projects to make
You like my quilts and patterns but you want to make them later, Pinterest will be the best option to save the pins so you can find my blog later with no problems at all!