How To Iron Your Patchwork Blocks.

How to iron your patchwork blocks.

To make a patchwork block can be the easiest thing to do or you can face a challenge to make one, it will depend on how elaborate each block can be.

Every day there are so many quilts and patchwork designers doing their best to bring up new designs to make new quilts, we are so lucky to have them doing this job as we will have so many quilts to do yet!

No matter what design are you working on to make your quilt, there is one step most of the quilters just don’t do, and I used to be one of them, to iron every single block you do for your quilt.

I can tell you there will be times you will need to iron just four or ten blocks to make a quilt, but there will be times when you will need to iron 300 or even 500 blocks to make just a one single quilt.

Should you do iron or not?

My advice is, yes you should go for it!

There is a few good things that comes up from ironing your blocks for a quilt: when you don’t iron your blocks or quilt before you do the quilting, you don’t know its real size, after you iron each block and your quilt before the quilting, your quilt has its real shape and size, all the seams will be flat and this will make the quilting job easier.

To iron your blocks can be easy

Every time you finish a block or a set of blocks, it’s better to iron them, each one at a time.

You don’t need to spend all day on this job, it will take you just a few minutes.

I use to make a set of blocks, I have a regular iron and I set it on medium temperature, I spray with water from the iron each block and I set them on the table, then I iron each one of them at the time gently just for a few moments, and there you go.

Today I ironed 10 small blocks in less than 5 minutes, now my blocks are ready for the next step before I start working on the borders for my quilt.

[bctt tweet=”Iron your quilt block is important and won’t take you long to do it!” username=””]

This time I taped the video in Spanish, but it will give you the idea on how I use to iron my quilt blocks.

If you have any question about this step, leave a comment I will answer to your question.

If you want to be the first one to know my latest work, like my Facebook page Alejandra’s Quilt Studio.


To read this post in Spanish visit Ale cose y cose



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