How To Make a Journal Quilt January


Time to show you what I did on my Journal Quilt 2018 this month, so you can make your own too.

How to Make a Journal Quilt January.

I kept working on it, as I wanted to show you how this quilt will look like with the 12 women (girls) applique done on the quilt.

On my last post I was telling about how I used to work on this journal quilt by doing a simple top to make the quilting sandwich and once I got the three layers holding together with safety pins, it’s when I work on the applique.

But I’m used to work this way, it might be correct or it might not be correct to work this way, but I did it one day and I loved how when I’m working on the applique I can do some quilting at the same time.

In case you don’t like this way to work on the applique, you can do the applique on each block and then you can sew the 12 blocks together to do the sandwich.

January 2018 was a cold weather month here in Southwestern Quebec, we have used the same amount of wood to keep house warm as we did in the two previous years. Every year is a different story.

But if I keep to talk about January and my journal quilt, I should say I kept myself busy working on the applique, it took more time as I thought it would do, as I’m working on the main applique for the 12 months, but even it’s not quite finished I can show you how it looks like today, so you can take a look at it and see how your Journal quilt will look like if you work on the applique first and then on the quilting.

Jornal quilt 2018 january

I still need to work to do the applique for the hair and face on two more girls.

journal quilt 2018 january

I also worked on some quilting on the top border (1) just to keep it on its place.

I added a second border on the bottom, as I’m already thinking to do some applique later here, I will keep you updated so you can do it too. (2)

journal quilt 2018 january

As my work place is not too big, I have a small table where I can work on sometimes, I like to work on my quilts here when I’m working on the initial quilting, by doing it this way it helps me to work on the hand quilting with no problems on the back of the quilt, this way I can save lots of time.

I don’t use a quilting frame or a quilting …..

journal quilt 2018 january

At night while I watch some TV I like to work on some embroidery details like the girls faces.

journal quilt 2018 january

So far, so good and only happy faces!

This time I have a short video for you so you can watch me working on the embroidery work on one of the girls’ face, I did the video in Spanish but I think you would love to see how I do the embroidery.

If you like the video I would appreciate if you give a thumb up on it and follow me on YouTube.

Well, I think this is it for this time, if you want to make this journal quilt along with me, you can take a look to my previous post Best Journal Quilt 2018 where you can get the instructions to work on the top for the quilt.

If you want to do this quilt later you can Pin it so you can find it later.

journal quilt 2018 january

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