Patchwork To Make This Year


If you have on your resolutions list for this year to learn to make patchwork, you’re at a  good time to start a beautiful adventure!

If every time you see a quilt anywhere or in a movie, you think quilts are beautiful, you’re right, they are so beautiful and each one of them is unique!

I think that was exactly what happened to me, from the first time I saw a quilt in a magazine or in a movie, I couldn’t stop looking at it, it was like I wanted to find out how exactly they were made, but each quilt I looked at looked so difficult to make, I couldn’t understand how to make it!

If I tell you how many years I have been making quilts, you might not believe me, but I also need to tell you I was a young teenager when I was lucky to sign up for my first patchwork in Mexico City!

I was so lucky to be in the right place at the right time to learn from two lovely American ladies who were spending some time there and they were willing to share their quilting knowledge with Mexican people, I still can remember the first class when I learned how to draw on paper the patterns and cut with scissors each one of the pieces to make a pillow with triangles and squares!!

From that moment to now, I have not stopped  working on my quilts, first it was a big challenge for people in Mexico to buy the 100 % cotton fabric to make quilts, I had to travel to USA and buy the fabrics there.

A few years later, it was the time to switch to the rotary cutter and the rotary cutting mat, everything was easier, new patterns and new designs to make more quilts, it was like a quilter paradise.

My quilts at the beginning were just like they should be according to books, today is so different, you can buy great books to learn how to make them, but today you can find many different techniques to work on your quilts.

We also have today internet, where we can share to everyone who is willing to learn and start making their own quilts at home, there’s no more borders that can stop us to share what we love to make, quilts, patchwork, embroidery and textile art!

Cold weather is perfect weather to work on quilts.

These last 2 weeks, we have had the coldest weather in Quebec, so we stayed at home all the time with the wood stove working under the clock!

With cold weather and staying at home all the time you can think about to watch some TV, but oh surprise, TV was poor, only old Christmas shows and internet was not working the best, off and on all the time.

So good to have some quilts to work at.

It’s always so handy to have one or two quilts ready to work at when the weather is not good at all, and quilts are perfect to spend a full day working on them, and also while you work on the hand quilting it helps to keep me warm.

I could make two mini quilts, at the moment I need to work on the photos editing before I can share these new mini quilts with you. So while you wait, I had the idea that you might want to visit my home.

The perfect Log Cabin.

Yes, I live in a small, beautiful log cabin, that is was build long time ago (the last years of 1800) and it’s all made with logs, it’s small but it has everything you need to live well and happy in this beautiful province of Quebec.

On this video you can take a look of the main room in the house, a kitchen-dining room-main room of the house, in the old times, people used to build these small cabins for many reasons, it was not hard to build them up, little money and short periods of good weather.

But as you can see, my house has it all, and everything works perfect! I have no complains at all! and I live in a log cabin!!

Well, now that you’d watched the video, you can leave a comment about how did you liked or not?

2017 Quilts.

It was a good year for me, for many reasons, but I will focus to talk about my quilts here, I could finished two big quilts, one queen and one king size, and a few mini quilts and small quilts, and I finished a Journal quilt.

So before I start working on a new project, I would like to share with you a short video with some of my mini quilts.

If you’re new to quilting and you’re thinking about making a quilt as a resolution, I’ll tell you go for it!!

You always can make a small or a mini quilt first and then make a big one!!, mini quilts are beautiful and easy to make!

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You can follow me on Facebook on my Fans Page Alejandra’s Quilt Studio and be the first one to know about my quilts updates and newest patterns.

I thank you for stopping by and reading my blog, together  wewill be making more quilts this year!

You can read also:

Patchwork bag with squares

ABC Baby Quilt Patterns

ABC Quilt free patterns

Si quieres leer este articulo en espanol, puedes visitor mi blog en espanol Ale Cose y, los mismos articulos, las mismas colchas de patchwork y los mismos patrones!


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